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Contact Linda for notices to be included in the weekly notice sheet.

  Mobile : 07455572513    e-mail: 180445lindairene@gmail.com Deadline 5.30 p.m. Every Wednesday!

This week please remember: (Please also update me regarding the following)
Church Family members and friends who are unwell


It would also be good to remember those who are no longer able to worship with us in person, such as June and Geoff Carveth, Kath and Ken Fey, Rena Capener and Irene Capstack and any others you might know of.

Finally, please also pray for Weerapat, the young boy we sponsor in Thailand. It would be good to support him and his family in prayer, as well as financially.

Warm Welcome Cafe open Monday - Friday mornings 10 am - 12 noon

Mondays - come and join the craft group

Thursdays - come and join the chess/draughts group

Come and Worship
Midweek Service.
 Join us at this short midweek service on the last Wednesday of every month at 11 am.  


This prayer meeting will be held in person around the various churches at 12 midday. The gathering with be for 30-40 minutes inviting all Christians in Dawlish to come together.

The monthly half hour prayer meeting for Dawlish has moved to the first Tuesday in the month,

Naomi and Steve are running the table tennis on every other Thursday evening from 7-8.30pm. Please look out for the dates on Sunday. Why not come down and encourage them, even if you can’t stay the whole time. If you know anyone else who might be interested, please let them know too.

A Quiz & Pud night is being held in the church Hall on the 13th February from 7 pm starting at 7.30 pm - Come along and exercise your brains and have some fun!  Various puddings will be available! Tickets from Christian and the Warm Welcome Cafe - only £3 per person.

Bric-a-Brac Sale  February 22nd 10 am - 12 noon. Come and browse - bargains to be had on all tables! Tea and coffee and cakes available.